Urban Agriculture Initiative - Farming/ Urban Agriculture


Along with our horseback riding program Theeducatedhorsemen will offer a sustainable gardening program. This program will provide education and business development that will allow District residents to gain a certificate in Horticulture, and receive on-the-job training in sustainable urban gardening while providing jobs through the sale of healthy vegetable production to restaurants, schools, shelters, nonprofits, churches, and wholesale to farmer markets throughout the city. The St. Elizabeth’s site has plenty of space and unused buildings, part of this facility can be used as a hub where locally grown vegetables can be shipped throughout the city.

Currently 85% of the vegetables grown in the US are grown and shipped in from the California where it can be grown year round. 90% of the beef is grown in Texas. In order to ship food that far it has to treated with some sort of preservative. When you take into account the chemicals and pesticides used in mass production of vegetables and beef, you begin to realize the the healthier choices will comes from locally grown produce and meat sources.

The way we grow and provide healthy food production throughout the world is changing. The District’s urban gardening efforts will establish the District of Columbia as a recognized and respected leader, known throughout the world for its innovative horticulture program, plant conservation, job creation and community education.


Through a partnership with the University of the District of Columbia, residents will be provided with the necessary training in horticulture and healthy food production and also be trained in business development. Currently district schools have to travel outside of the city for farm education experiences. We have a chance to have an agriculture model located right in the city.

The University of the District of Columbia offers a series of monthly short courses on organic vegetable production and post-harvest food preservation.




  By becoming one of the district’s vegetable providers supplying various business and service providers with healthy foods. District workers can become part of a viable supply and demand machine in the production of healthy produce.

 Our graduates and workers will receive on-the-job training in seasonal and non-seasonal careers.

 Produce and harvest pounds of premium products for sale through wholesale, retail, and government-subsidized channels (e.g. women, infants, seniors, and children.

 Develop a network of business, nonprofit, and funding partners that support program work and employment of graduates

 Our efforts will work in partnership with other sources both within the city and the surrounding counties as well. The St. Elizabeth’s Site will be Produce central where all operations will be managed and carried out.


 The Garden’s marketing efforts will increase loyalty and enthusiasm, inspiring people to interact with the city’s Urban Garden Program.